Lumineers® Are Prescribed by Licensed Dentists

Lumineers® are not available for purchase directly from the Apex Dental Laboratory Group Lab or any other source. Lumineers dental veneers are only prescribed and placed by a licensed dentist. Lumineers are placed by dentists trained in painless minimally invasive techniques that typically require no shots or aggressive drilling. If your teeth are stained, crooked, misaligned, misshapen, have gaps or you are simply unhappy with they way they look, ask your dentist if Lumineers may be the right choice for you.

Lumineers are fabricated exclusively by the Apex Dental Laboratory Group Lab in Lompoc, California, USA, by technicians that specialize in crafting esthetic dental veneers. Ask your dentist to prescribe authentic Lumineers from Apex Dental Laboratory Group Lab whenever veneers are indicated.

Made in the USA

Apex Dental Laboratory Group operates a state-of-the-art facility at its worldwide headquarters in Lompoc, California, USA, and specializes in the manufacture of a wide range of high-quality dental products, small equipment, and custom laboratory-fabricated dental restorations. Our restorative dental products are time-tested by thousands of our dentist customers and we are proud to be a part of your journey in oral health.

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